Eva-Sabine Zehelein
Eva-Sabine Zehelein est professeure d’études américaines à l’Université Otto-Friedrich de Bamberg en Allemagne. De 2017 à 2020, elle a été chercheuse invitée au Brandeis Women’s Studies Research Center (soutenu par la Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung). Elle se spécialise dans les littératures nord-américaines et les cultures (populaires) des 20e et 21e siècles, dirige un groupe de recherche international et interdisciplinaire sur les « questions familiales » et étudie actuellement les « récits familiaux » sous l’angle de la justice reproductive.
Le projet
Titre : “ART and Family Trees – Genes, Genealogy and New Family Narratives”
Mots-clés : littératures et cultures nord-américaines; justice en matière de procréation; généalogies familiales; Les techniques de procréation assistée et/ou dans les textes culturels, les conceptions du « chez-soi ».
Sélection de publications
Monographies :
- Science: Dramatic. Science Plays in America and Great Britain, 1990-2007. Heidelberg: Winter, 2009.
- “Space as Symbol:” John Updike’s “Country of Ideas” in den Rabbit-Romanen. Essen: Blaue Eule, 2003.
Volumes édités / numéros de revues :
- Family in Crisis? Crossing Borders, Crossing Narratives. edited with Andrea Carosso and Aida Rosende-Pérez. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2020.
- “Family and the Media: Cultural Politics and Public Narratives.International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics 15.2 (June 2019), guest edited with Tetiana Havlin and Andrea Carosso. Online version:
https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/mcp/2019/00000015/00000002;jsessionid=3pmsd9rs5b2jh.x-ic-live-01 - “Family Matters 2.0: Literary and Cultural Representations of the American Family in Transition.CoSMo – Comparative Studies in Modernism 12 (Spring 2018), guest edited with Andrea Carosso.
http://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/COSMO/issue/view/272 - For (Dear) Life: Close readings of Alice Munro’s Ultimate Fiction. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2014.
Articles :
- “Family Trees – mnemonics, genealogy, identity and cultural memory.” Daniela Fargione, Carmen Concilio, eds., Trees in Literatures and the Arts: Humanarboreal Perspectives in the Anthropocene. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021; 263-79.
- “Medicalized Masculinities: (In)fertility, Sperm Donation and Fatherhood. Altre Modernità 24 (2020); 139-152 [special issue on “Storytelling as Care: representing illness in the new protocols of Medical Humanities,” eds. Paolo Caponi, Laura Scarabelli, Nicoletta Vallorani].
- “Family in Crisis? What Crossing Borders and Crossing Narratives Tell Us About the State of the Family (Today).Andrea Carosso, Aida Rosende-Pérez, ESZ, eds. Family in Crisis? Crossing Borders, Crossing Narratives. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2020; 9-23.
- “He’s Not Family: Family between Genetic Essentialism and Social Parenthood in MTV’s Generation Cryo.” Andrea Carosso, Aida Rosende-Pérez, ESZ, eds. Family in Crisis? Crossing Borders, Crossing Narratives. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2020; 89-100.
- “Family and the media: Cultural politics and public narratives” (with Andrea Carosso und Tetiana Havlin). International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics 15.2 (2019); 119-124.
- “Mummy, me, and her podcast – feminist and gender discourses in contemporary podcast culture.” International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics 15.2 (2019); 143-161.
- “’India is our twins’ motherland’: Transnational Cross-Racial Gestational Surrogacy and the Maternal Body in ‘IP Memoirs’..” Feminist Encounters – A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics 1-2 (2019): article number 11; 1-12.
- “Love, Marriage and Family in the 21st Century: All We Had (Annie Weatherwax), The Nest (Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney).” Michael Basseler, Ansgar Nünning, eds. The American Novel in the 21st Century: Cultural Contexts – Literary Developments – Critical Analyses. Trier: EVT, 2019; 215-230.
- “Motherhood and Mothering in Contemporary ‘IP Memoirs.’” Fabienne Portier-Le Cocq, ed. Motherhood in Contemporary International Perspective: Continuity and Change. London: Routledge, 2019; 93-104.
- “Breaking Conventions, Crossing Genres – Motherhood and Memoir in the Age of Surrogacy.” Bunty Avieson, Fiona Giles, Sue Joseph, eds. Still Here: Memoirs of Trauma, Illness and Loss. London: Routledge, 2019; 176-188.
- “Reproductive Justice and (the Politics of) Transnational Gestational Surrogacy: Pande, Wombs in Labor: Transnational Commercial Surrogacy in India, Rudrappa, Discounted Life: The Price of Global Surrogacy in India, Jacobson, Labor of Love: Gestational Surrogacy and the Work of Making Babies, Solinger/Ross, Reproductive Justice, Briggs, How All Politics Became Reproductive Politics.” American Quarterly 70.4 (December 2018); 889-901.
- “Beyond the Page” content to review essay – online website of American Quarterly, December 2018.
https://www.americanquarterly.org/content/december-2018 - “Mothers, ART and Narratives of (Be)longing.” CoSMo 12 (Spring 2018); 74-91.
ttp://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/COSMO/issue/view/272 - “Family Matters in Contemporary Literature – an introduction.” CoSMo 12 (Spring 2018); 7-10.
http://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/COSMO/issue/view/272 - “Anacreon in Baltimore: the ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ as Poem, Song and National Anthem.” Engelbert Thaler, ed. Singer-Songwriters – Music & Poetry in Language Teaching.” Tübingen: Narr, 2018; 25-47.
- “’At the other end of life’s rainbow’: Rabbit’s journey from adolescence to old age and other transcendental trajectories.” Laurence W. Mazzeno, Sue Norton, eds. European Perspectives on John Updike. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2018; 28-44.
- “Community as Commodity: of Rotary Dream Homes and Gated Geritopias as Collective Attempts to Lead a Private Life.” Lukas Etter, Julia Straub, eds. American Communities: Between the Popular and the Political. Tübingen: Narr, 2017; 19-41.
- “’Sara, Bill, Kristine, ...you’re pregnant!’ Gestational surrogacy, biomedicalized bodies and reconceptualizations of motherhood.” Hektoen International. A Journal of Medical Humanities (Fall 2017).
http://hekint.org/2017/11/20/sara-bill-kristine-youre-pregnant-gestational-surrogacy-biomedicalized-bodies-reconceptualizations-motherhood/ - “’My mother composed me as I now compose her’: Catharsis and Cathexis in Alison Bechdel’s Are You My Mother?” Kerstin Shands, Guilia Grillo Mikrut, et al., eds. Writing the Self. Essays on Autobiography and Autofiction. Stockholm: Södertörn UP [English Studies 5], 2015; 163-172.