Le modèle de croissance chinois post covid, une approche en termes de régulation

Séminaire BRICS | Mercredi 27 octobre 2021

La troisième séance du séminaire BRICs et économies émergentes (INALCO CREE - FMSH - UdP - EHESS) aura lieu mercredi 27 octobre 2021 à 18h.

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Intervenant : Wei Zhao (ESSCA School of Management) et Joël Ruet ( CNRS -  Institut interdisciplinaire de l’innovation - Ecole Polytechnique )


Présentation de la séance

Combining some theoretical perspectives of economic development stages, a capital accumulation regime with Chinese characteristics and a techno-economic paradigm, our presentation tries to explain how the Chinese growth miracle reached the edge of crisis after 2008. It argues that for 30 years, the ‘visible hand’ managing the Chinese economy has progressively shifted from local governments’ initiatives and experiments to central government’s macro policy supplemented with industrial economics tools.

This brought China’s growth from the factor-driven to the investment-driven stage, and progressively decoupled the financial system from China’s local, dominant, accumulation regime, directing finance into a technological accumulation regime.

The Chinese central government attempts three macroeconomic approaches with which to readdress the growth pattern: rebalancing; supply-side reform; and innovation-driven development. The Belt and Road Initiative is an attempt to domestically recouple backward to coastal provinces, trade and investment to economic diversification, and to upgrade provinces.

The current Chinese growth model is composed of different capital accumulation regimes: export, domestic infrastructure investment, financial market liberalisation, e-commerce platform economy, all based on the manufacturing economy built up over the last 40 years. China needs upgrading its manufacturing economy to an innovation level and build a new capital accumulation regime based upon it. The recent economic events in China such as digital platform sector regulation, real estate debt crisis, and power cut, etc. shall be understood within such a macro framework.

 Télécharger le pdf de la présentation : Le modèle de croissance chinois post covid

Pour plus d’informations sur le séminaire, consulter le carnet/blog, la page INALCO.

Publié le 27 octobre 2021