Marina Costa Lobo

Chercheuse invitée du programme DEA Invitée en résidence à la Maison Suger Séjour du 3 octobre au 31 octobre 2022

Marina Costa Lobo (D.Phil, Oxford) est actuellement chercheuse à l'Instituto de Ciências Sociais de l'Université de Lisbonne, où elle étudie le comportement électoral européen. Elle est également coordinatrice du Portuguese Electoral Behavior Project, membre du Planning Committee du CSES (Comparative Study of Election Systems - depuis 2018 et co-directrice de la European Political Science Review depuis 2021.

Le projet

Titre : EU issue voting in national elections: One or several?

Mots-clés : Comportement de vote, dirigeants et élections, vote sur les questions européennes

Sélection de publications

  • Lobo, M.C., and Pannico, R., (2021), "Increased economic salience or blurring of responsibility? Economic voting during the Great Recession." Electoral Studies 65 (2020): 102141.
  • Lobo, M.C. and Lewis-Beck, M., (2021), Special Issue intitled: “The European Union and political behaviour”, Electoral Studies 70: 102285.
  • Lobo, M.C., (2018), “Personality Goes a Long Way.” Government and Opposition (2018), volume 53, no. 1, pp. 159-179.
  • Lobo, M.C. and Silva, F.F. (2017) “Prime ministers in the age of austerity: an increase in the personalisation of voting behavior.” West European Politics (2017), pp. 1-20.
  • Lewis-Beck and Lobo, M.C. (2016), "Economic Voting in Extraordinary Times", in Arzheimer et. al. The Sage Handbook of Electoral Behaviour, London: Sage.
  • Lobo, M.C., and Curtice, J., (2015) Personality Politics? The role of leader evaluations in democratic elections, Book on Leader Effects in Context, Oxford:OUP.
  • Lobo, M.C., and Lewis-Beck, M. (2012), “The integration hypothesis: how the European Union shapes economic voting”, in Electoral Studies, vol. 31, no.3, pp.522-528.
  • Lobo, M.C. (2008), “Parties and Leader Effects – Impact of Leaders in the Vote for Different Types of Parties”, in Party Politics, vol. 14, no.3, pp.281-298.
  • Freire, A., Lobo, M.C. and Magalhães, P., (2007), Portugal at the Polls, Lexington Press.


Les activités

Holding the EU Accountable through national legislative elections

Holding the EU Accountable through national legislative elections

Histoires de recherche #4
Publié le 23 septembre 2022