Angela Muvumba Sellström
Dr. Angela Muvumba Sellström est professeure adjointe et chercheuse au département de recherche sur la paix et les conflits de l’université d’Uppsala, en Suède, où elle enseigne les études sur le genre, la paix et les conflits, dirige des programmes internationaux de formation au dialogue et à la médiation et contribue à la recherche sur les interventions internationales et les guerres civiles. Elle a été la principale chercheuse du projet sur la prévention de la violence sexuelle, financé par le Conseil suédois de la recherche et a plus de 17 ans d'expérience en recherche politique.
Titre : Vers une théorie de la prévention des violences sexuelles par les acteurs armés et politiques
Mots-clés : Le genre; les femmes, la paix et la sécurité; groupes rebelles; acteurs armés; violence sexuelle en temps de guerre; Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies; Union africaine; protection des civils; Burundi; Afrique du Sud; Ouganda; Politique étrangère féministe de la Suède.
Sélection de publications
Articles de revues à comité de lecture :
- 2019. “Burundi’s Rebel Groups and the Stigmatisation of Wartime Sexual Violence”, Journal of Sexual Aggression, 25:3, 275-291.
Volumes évalués par des pairs :
- HIV/AIDS and Society in South Africa, with Ndinga-Muvumba, Angela and Robyn Pharaoh (Scottsville: University of KwaZulu Natal Press, 2008)
- The African Union and Its Institutions, with John Akokpari and Tim Murithi (Auckland: Jacana Media, 2008).
Chapitres évalués par des pairs :
- “Lifting the burden? The ethical implications of studying exemplary, not pathological, wartime sexual conduct” in Bliesemann de Guevara, Berit and Morten Boas (eds.), Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention: A Guide to Research in Violent and Closed Contexts, (Bristol: Bristol University Press, forthcoming 2020).
- “WPS and Protection of Civilians.” with Lisa Hultman in Davies, Sara E., Jacqui True, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace, and Security, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
- “Sexual and Gender-Based Violence”, section in “Violence, Wars, Peace, Security” Wallensteen, Peter Michel Wieviorka, in International Panel for Social Progress (IPSP) (red.) Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Report of the International Panel on Social Progress, (London, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018).
- “Impunity for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: Insights from Burundi’s Former Fighters.” in Cheldelin, Sandra and Martha Mutisi (eds.), Deconstructing Women, Peace and Security: A Critical Review of Approaches to Gender and Empowerment, (Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council, 2016).
- “The World Health Organisation, UNAIDS and the Global Fund,” in Adebajo, Adekeye et al., (eds.), The United Nations and Africa: Peace, Development and Human Security, Forthcoming, (Cape Town: Centre for Conflict Resolution 2009).
- “HIV/AIDS and the African Renaissance: South Africa’s Achilles Heel?,” with ShaunaMottiar in Adedeji, Adebayo, Adekeye Adebajo and Chris Landsberg (eds.), South Africa’s Role in Africa: The Post-Apartheid Era, (Scottsville: The University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2007).
- “Aligning HIV/AIDS And Security: The United Nations And Africa,” in Adebajo, Adekeye and Helen Scanlon (eds.), A Dialogue of the Deaf: Essays on African the United Nations, (Auckland: Jacana Press, 2006).
- “Civil Society Actors and Democratization in Uganda,” in Khadiagala Gilbert and Musifiky Mwanasali, (eds.), Peace, Security, and Governance in the Great Lakes Region, (Boulder, London: Lynne Reinner Publishers, 2006).
- “Halting the Flow of Small Arms and Light Weapons”, with Ero, Comfort in Adekeye Adebajo and Ismail Rashid, (eds.), West Africa’s Security Challenges: Building Peace in A Troubled Region, (Boulder, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004).
Articles d'intérêt public :
- “Preventing sexual violence: lessons from rebel armies in Burundi and Uganda”, The Conversation, April 10, 2018, Available from: [Blog].
- “Whither Burundi? Violence, protest and the post-Arusha dispensation?”, Mats Utas Blog Posted on May 11, 2015, Available from: [Blog].
- “Gender, Peace, and Armed Conflict”, Elin Bjarnegård, Erik Melander, Gabrielle Bardall, Karen Bronéus, Erika Forsberg, Karin Johannson, Angela Muvumba Sellström and Louise Olsson, in 2015 SIPRI Yearbook (Stockholm: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).
- “La Compleja Lucha contra el VIH/SIDA”, Sudáfrica. Veinte años de democracia por VANGUARDIA La Vanguardia Dossier, Nº: 51, Fecha: ABRIL / JUNIO 2014 Available from: sudafrica-veinte-anos-de-democracia.html#ixzz2yrhOjfvK