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Portrait de Tripurdaman Singh recevant le prix Dan David 2024

Tripurdaman Singh among the winners of the prestigious Dan David Prize

2024 Dan David Prize
Programme des événements du Comptoir - avril, mai, juin 2024

The Comptoir programme

Explore the Comptoir's calendar of events for April, May and June 2024

Transition from Violence: Lessons from the MENA Region

- 8 live conversations | Every Tuesday from May 18 to June 29, 2021 -

FMSH Grants and Prize Ceremony

Mattei Dogan Prize, Ariane Deluz Prize and Louis Dumont Fund | 12th october 2021

Interview with Laura Nys | Herman Diederiks Laureate 2020

Distance and proximity. Interpersonal relations between pupils and educators in the Belgian reform school of Mol (1927-1960)

Mattei Dogan Prize | Interview with Jiawen Sun, 2021 laureate

Body and Politics in Contemporary China. Sociology of Suffering Among Former Educated Youth Sent to Military Farms during the Cultural Revolution

Interview with Alex Tepperman | Herman Diederiks Laureate 2019

Continuity and change: Reconsidering the History of American Penal Radicalism

Interview with Dan Johnson | Herman Diederiks Laureate 2018

Suffering on Display : An argument for historical nuance in British prison museums