Comparing "Comparative literature"

Japan, Germany, France and the world
10:30 am
4:30 pm
Comparing "Comparative literature"
International workshop organized by Risa Matsuo, resident at the Maison Suger.

What is comparative literature? Is it literature? Does it form a discipline? Are there differences in comparative literature among nations and peoples?

This workshop will include not only literature and art, but also psychology, sociology, ethnology, statistics, and economics. In addition, we will cover not only Japan, Germany, and France, but also the Islamic countries, Africa, and America, aiming to develop a field that is not bound by the term or tradition of "comparative literature."

Download the program

The speakers
  • Stefan BUCHENBERGER (Kanagawa University)
  • Hiroaki DAIMON (University of Fukuchiyama / University of Delaware)
  • Tugce BEYCAN (Centre Maurice Halbwachs in EHESS / ENS / CNRS / PSL)
  • Tomohiro KAMBAYASHI (Konan University)
  • Risa MATSUO (JSPS / Sorbonne Nouvelle University Paris 3)
Published at 6 July 2023