Fabrice Jaumont au Comparative & International Education Society 2018 (CIES)

Re-Mapping Global Education. South-North Dialogue

Du 25 au 29 mars 2018, Fabrice Jaumont, porteur du projet de recherche Philanthropie américaine et éducation universitaire au Sud dans l’ère des sociétés du savoir, s'est rendu au Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) à Mexico, dont le thème était "Re-Mapping Global Education. South-North Dialogue".

Il a participé à plusieurs conférences :

  • Philanthropy in Education, Interaction with the Public Sector (II): Governance, Financing, and Accountability
    Reconsidering development: Rethinking the relationship between American foundations and universities in Africa | Fabrice Jaumont
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  • Multiple Perspectives of Professional Development on the African Continent
    Unequal partners: American foundations and higher education development in Africa | Fabrice Jaumont
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  • Language Rights, Policy, and Activism
    When parents and educators create dual language education programs from the bottom up in the American school system | Fabrice Jaumont
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Publié le 23 avril 2018