Zénaïde Dervieux

Laureate of the 2023 Atlas Programme
Zénaïde Dervieux

Zénaïde Dervieux is a contract researcher at the National Museum of Natural History, a member of the UMR 7204 CESCO (Center for Ecology and Conservation Sciences), and an associated researcher at the UMR 8586 PRODIG (Research Center for Geographic Information Organization and Dissemination). She holds a Ph.D. in geography obtained from Sorbonne University's Faculty of Letters in 2021, following a master's degree in environmental anthropology from the National Museum of Natural History. Her research, awarded the "Young Researcher 2020" prize by the Fondation des Treilles, has focused since 2015 on conservation issues in the periphery of Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park (experiences of injustice, green militarization), using an emotional and political ecology approach to analyze the territory. As part of the Atlas program, she is engaging in a dialogue between this research and the periphery of Chad's Zakouma National Park.

The project

Title: La circulation de la conservation néolibérale au sein de parcs nationaux d'Afrique centrale et australe

Keywords: conservation de la nature, injustice, parc national de Hwange, territorialité, résistance

Selection of publications

Dervieux, Z. 2019. « Pratiques spatiales au nord-ouest du Zimbabwe : revendications, occupations et résistances ». L’Espace Politique, n°37 | 2019-01. [DOI].

Dervieux, Z., Belgherbi, M. 2020. « ‘We used to go asking for the rain’: Local interpretations of environmental changes and its implications for natural resource management in Hwange district, Zimbabwe ». In: Welch-Devine, M., Sourdril, A., Burke, B. (eds), Changing Climate, Changing Worlds. Ethnobiology (pp.35-54). Springer, Cham. [DOI].

Dervieux, Z., Noûs, C. 2022. « La “communauté” produite pour gérer les ressources naturelles : lecture croisée des programmes CAMPFIRE (Zimbabwe) et ACAP (Népal) » [“The ‘community’ produced to manage natural resources: A cross-reading of the CAMPFIRE (Zimbabwe) and ACAP (Nepal) programmes”]. Justice spatiale | Spatial Justice, n°17. [URL].

Dervieux, Z. 2023. « Ce qui est passé sous silence dans le nord-ouest zimbabwéen : interroger la visibilité sociale des conflits en contexte autoritaire ». Actes du 6ème colloque international du CIST (Collège International des Sciences Territoriales), 15-17 novembre 2023, Centre des colloques du campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers (France).

Published at 11 September 2023