Rosa Congost

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: from February 1st to March 31, 2019

Rosa Congost is Professor of Economic History at the University of Gerona (Spain) and Coordinator of the Rural History Research Center of this university. In 2013 she obtained the distinction ICREA (Catalan Institute of Advanced Research) Academia of the Generalitat of Catalonia. From 2015 to 2017, she chaired the European Rural History Organization (EURHO), where she had been Vice President since 2010, the year it was founded. Her latest books are the edition, with Jorge Gelman and Rui Santos,de Property Rights in Land: Issues on Social, Economic and Global History  (2017) and the book El joven Pierre Vilar, 1924-1939. Las lecciones de historia (2018).

The project 

Title: property, owners: what social reality?

Keywords: Property rights on land: historical and comparative perspective; realistic and relational approach. Social change in history: dynamics and social transformations; birth and decline of the middle classes. Historiography: the historical work of Pierre Vilar.

Selected publications


  • Congost, Rosa and Pablo F. Luna (eds.) (2018): Agrarian Change and Imperfect Property. Emphyteusis in Europe (16th to 19th centuries), Turnhout, Brepols. ISBN 978-2-503-57923-8.
  • Congost, Rosa and Ricard García Orallo (2018): "¿Qué liberaron las medidas liberales? La circulación de la tierra en la España del siglo XIX", Historia Agraria, 74, april 2018, p. 67-102.
  • Congost, Rosa; Esteve, Eulalia; Serramontmany, Albert (2017): "L'évolution du niveau de vie des pauvres. La petite paysannerie de la region de Gérone (1750-1800)", Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 64-4, p. 84-104.
  • Congost, Rosa (2017): "La cuestión agraria en la España del siglo XIX", in Germán Carrillo and Justo Cuño (comp.), Historia agraria y políticas agrarias en España y América Latina desde el siglo XIX hasta nuestros días, Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, 2017, p. 249-294. ISBN 978-84-491-1475-5.
  • Congost, Rosa (2016): Les lliçons d'història. El jove Pierre Vilar (1924-1939), Barcelona, L'Avenç, 2016. ISBN 978-84-88839-97-8. In Spanish, El joven Pierre Vilar, 1924-1939. Las lecciones de historia, University of Valencia, 2018. ISBN 978-84-9134-266-3..
  • Congost, Rosa, with Jorge Gelman y Rui Santos (ed. (2016): Property Rights in Land: Issues in social, economic and global history, Londres, Routledge. ISBN 978-1-848-93580-8.
  • Congost, Rosa; Ros, Rosa; Saguer, Enric (2016) “Beyond Life Cycle and Inheritance Strategies: The Rise of a Middling Social Group in an Ancien Régime Society (Catalonia, Eighteenth Century)”, Journal of Social History, 49, p.627-646.
  • Congost, Rosa; Ros, Rosa (2013): “Change in society, continuity in marriage: an approach to social dynamics through marriage contracts (Catalonia, 1750-1850)”, Continuity and Change, 28 (2), p.273-306.
  • Congost, Rosa; Santos, Rui (ed.) (2010): Contexts of Property in Europe. The Social Embeddedness of property rights in land in a historical perspective, Brepols, Rural History in Europe, 5. ISBN 978-2-503-53227-1.
  • Bodinier, Bernard; Congost, Rosa and Luna, Pablo F. (ed. (2009): De la Iglesia al Estado. Las desamortizaciones de bienes eclesiásticos en Francia, España y América Latina, SEHA, Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, Monografías de Historia Rural, 7. ISBN 978-84-92774-75-3.
Published at 8 February 2019