Lavinia Maddaluno

Laureate of the 2023 Atlas programme
Lavinia Maddaluno

Lavinia Maddaluno, who obtained her PhD from Cambridge University in 2018, is a historian of science and knowledge. She is an assistant professor on the ERC project "Cultures of Water in Italy (1500-1900)" in the Studi Umanistici department department at Ca' Foscari (Venice). Her research focuses on the role of knowledge production in the concretization ideas of wealth, state and society in the Europe of the Enlightenment. More recently, she has focused on the management of environmental threats in Europe at the end of the Renaissance, with a particular focus on rice cultivation. She has carried out post-doctorates at several international and Italian institutions, including the Warburg Institute (London) and Villa I Tatti (Harvard), at the European University Institute and at University Federico II (Naples).

Selective bibliography

“A box of fresh pineapples to the Holy Father”: Pineapples and the worlds of sociability in eighteenth-century Rome, dans Melissa Calaresu et Victoria Avery (dir.), The pineapple from domestication to commodification: Re-presenting a global fruit (Oxford University Press, to be published)

“Public Health in Milan”. Article pour la Routledge Encyclopaedia of the Renaissance World (to be published)

“Sans porter aucun prejudice au public”: negotiating urban waters in seventeenth-century Marseille”, dans Elisabetta Bini, Diego Carnevale et Domenico Cecere (dir.), L'acqua: risorsa e minaccia. La gestione delle risorse idriche e delle inondazioni in Europa dal Medioevo all'età contemporanea (FedOAPress, 2023), pp. 41-61

“Materialising political economy: olive oil, patronage and science in eighteenth-century Rome”, Diciottesimo secolo, 5 (2020), pp. 97-115

Essay Review (compte-rendu long, 4000 mots) sur “Rethinking the history of political economy: Sophus Reinert’s The Academy of Fisticuffs”, in Global Intellectual History, 6 (2021), pp. 977-989

"Forests, woods, roads: Agricultural landscapes as instruments for the material administration of an eighteenth-century Tuscan periphery", in Corey Tazzara, Paula Findlen and Jacob Soll (dir.), Florence after the Medici (Routledge, 2020)

“Four unpublished letters from Nicolas Fatio de Duillier to Isaac Newton: Networks and Alchemical Knowledge”, Nuncius, 34 (2019), pp. 661-702

"De facto policies and intellectual agendas of an eighteenth-century Milanese agricultural academy: Physiocratic resonances in the Società Patriotica", dans Sophus Reinert et Steven Kaplan (dir.), The Economic Turn (Anthem Press, Londres, 2019)

Published at 1 June 2023