Giovanni Ciappelli

Researcher in residence at the Maison Suger | April-May 2023
Giovanni Ciappelli

Giovanni Ciappelli studied in Florence and in the United States (Brown University) and was a researcher (1995), then Associate Professor (2002) at the University of Trento, where he is now Full Professor of Modern History.

He was a Fellow of the Warburg Institute in London, and of the Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Renaissance Studies. He was a visiting professor at several universities in France and England.

He is the director of the Lettere of Lorenzo the Magnificent publishing project.

The project

Information and propaganda. The diffusion of occasional pamphlets in France, Spain and Italy before and after the birth of gazettes (16th-17th centuries).

Hosting Institution: Centre Roland Mousnier |Sorbonne Université, CNRS

Selective bibliography

  • Lorenzo de’ Medici, Lettere, XVIII, a cura di G. Ciappelli, Firenze, Giunti-Barbèra, 2021.
  • La correspondance de Girolamo Zorzi, Ambassadeur vénitien en France (1485-1488), éd. par J. Blanchard, G. Ciappelli, M. Scherman, Genève, Droz, 2020.
  • "Le leggi suntuarie a Firenze nell'età moderna. Da Cosimo I a Pietro Leopoldo", Nuova Rivista Storica, CIII (2019), pp. 143-172.
  • "Memoria e storia: il ruolo degli egodocumenti", Nuova Rivista Storica, CII (2018), pp. 699-728.
  • La invención de las noticias. Las relaciones de sucesos entre la literatura y la información (siglos XVI-XVIII), coédité avec V. Nider, Trento, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2017.
  • Memory, Family, and Self. Tuscan Family Books and Other European Egodocuments (14th-18th Century), Leiden, Brill, 2014.
Published at 26 April 2023