Seminar | Global Studies : Methodological Approaches and Case Studies


A Global Studies Doctoral Seminar will be organized as a following events of the International Conference 'Colonial Cities in Global Perspectives, Saint-Louis, Senegal, December 10-12, 2018". It will take place in Saint-Louis, Senegal from December 13 to 14, 2018. The selected doctoral fellows will work with the Global Studies experts around a program that best captures their interests and allows them to reach their intellectual and professional potentials and inquiries. The seminar will be conducted by scholars committed to providing the fellows the necessary skills they require for enriching their disse1iation and for developing a successful career.
The fellows will gain a thorough understanding of the interconnections and interactions taking place across the world.

The doctoral seminar will be dedicated to Global Studies and will aim:

  • to provide an opportunity to both the experts and doctoral students to share and exchange ideas; 
  • to explore the relations and the interrelations between cities, states, societies, climatic and socio­economical changes trough the diachronie and synchronically perspectives;
  • to allow students to identify and analyze these interactions and their outcomes.

The Global Studies seminar fellows will be provided with tools and material (historical, anthropological, sociological, geographical, etc.) they need to shape their specialization.
With the supervision of local and international expe1is, the global seminar will increase the way of thinking critically about global changes, and offer solid training to utilize the acquired knowledge in order to become agents of positive change on global issues that are key in the region, and elsewhere around the world. The major goals are to boost their critical thinking and shape how to study a particular problem in a consistent and ngorous way.
The seminar will include lectures presented by the senior scholars. It will offer a space for the doctoral students to present their work in progress and internet with the senior scholars. The languages of the seminar are English and French.




Published at 10 December 2018