

Global anthropology of religions I

Seminar 2018 by Erwan Dianteill and Verónica Giménez Béliveau
Closed project

Seminar: Violence and exiting violence

- Closed project -

Violence: An international journal

Understanding about violence and building up a delineated field of research for preventing and exiting violence

Seminar Global Destinies of Latin America

Seminar 2018 held by Yvon le Bot and Ernesto Ottone

Social Science Information

The analysis and debate of trends and approaches in social science research

Global anthropology of religions

How do religions change? Dynamics of internal and external transformations of institutions, beliefs, rituals.

Seminar Violence and exiting violence

Read all about the programme 2017/2018
Closed project

The political and social impact of terrorist attacks in France

- Closed project -
revue socio_vignette


A sociology journal that welcomes pluridisciplinarity and promotes intellectual debate and discussion

ESCA - Chinese culture in Africa

Dissemination, organisation and interactions – ANR EsCA
Closed project

Luxury in the age of globalisation

Closed project [2016-2020]

Seminar : Violence et sortie de la violence 2016/2017

The new schedule
Closed project

Exile and migration

- Closed project -

Chair of Anthropology and Global Health

Outline of the Chair