For a digital and qualitative mediation platform for Open and Massive Data corpus in SHS

Creation of an Open Data platform for the use of SHS

In the digital age, the quality of research results in Human and Social Sciences increasingly depends on the completeness and relevance of the data processed. The digital divide (also the digital deficiency) greatly influences the question of completeness, which can amplify the phenomenon of relevance. This project proposal is based on the creation of an Open Data platform, intelligent, interactive of digital data corpus for users and research uses in Human and Social Sciences. During the Covid-19 crisis and the confinement, the use of data produced and available on the net (digital data, online surveys) becomes a necessary practice for research in SHS. We propose a qualitative deconstruction of these data in order to reveal their potentials and limitations (completeness, consistency and relevance).

Project led by

  • Zreik Khaldoun and Nasreddine Bouhai, Laboratoire Paragraphe, Université Paris 8
Published at 30 October 2020