Closed program

Collège d'études mondiales

- Closed programme -
Collège d'études mondiales
The activities of the College d'études mondiales came to an end in December 2020.

The College of Global Studies (CEM) aims to analyse the major transformations of our contemporary world with renewed intellectual tools and to reformulate the main issues currently addressed by the humanities and social sciences.

The CEM offers an innovative research environment, with endowed chairs, scientific project incubator and dedicated areas for collaboration between researchers of different nationalities and institutional backgrounds.

The College offers a range of research facilities and support for visiting researchers and innovative research projects. Each scheme has a defined timeframe.

  • Research Chair: awarded for a period of 4 years, a Chair is entrusted to an internationally renowned researcher, surrounded by guest researchers, in order to develop a little-known topic.
  • Research Initiative: awarded for a period of 2 years, an initiative encourages the incubation of a research project led by a researcher.
  • Seminars: each year, the College organises, co-organises, hosts or supports several seminars proposed by its guest researchers.

Every year, the College welcomes researchers from around the world and organizes nearly 200 scientific events.

  • 17 Research Chairs
  • 4 Research Initiatives
  • 200 Scientific events (12 seminars, 8 international conferences and 10 conferences in partnership with the Gulbenkian Foundation per year)
  • 35 Researchers invited per year


Emmanuel Picavet

Co-Chair of the Ethics and Finance Chair [2012-2020]

Stéphane Dufoix

Coordinator of the Seminar For a non-hegemonic globalized sociology [2016-2018]

Christian Walter

Co-Chair of the Ethics and Finance Chair [2012-2020]

Alexis Nuselovici (Nouss)

Chairholder of the Exile and Migrations Chair [2015-2021]

Eric Macé

Co-responsible of the For a non-hegemonic globalized sociology seminar [2016-2018]
All researchers


Closed project

World History of Animals

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Closed project

The Origins of Globalization

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Closed project

For a non-hegemonic globalized sociology

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Closed project

Plural democracy and economy

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Closed project

Luxury in the age of globalisation

Closed project [2016-2020]
See all projects


Affiche du colloque Wallerstein

Capitalism, anticapitalism and social sciences engaged on a global scale: around the works of Immanuel Wallerstein

International conference

Les conditions du partage d’une anthropologie embarquée. Faire de la recherche en contexte aborigène australien

La-tromperie-sur-Darwin-pour-légitimer-la-loi-du-plus-fort, agenda FMSH.

L’hypothèse d’un enragement de la planète sous l’emprise de la compétition

Séminaire Accumulations et accélérations 2023

Epistemic Freedom in Africa

See all program activities