Teaching Psychological Science

Bistops: biennial international seminar
Bistops: biennial international seminar on the teaching of psychological science

The seminar is designed to give a small group of participants the opportunity to discuss existing research on the scholarship of teaching and learning in psychology, to exchange new research ideas, to create collaborative international research teams, and ultimately to generate published empirical studies whose results will promote evidence-based recommendations for improving the teaching of psychological science on an international scale.

The Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme - Maison Suger, in cooperation with the Education Directorate of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, and the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology is pleased to announce the 3rd Biennial International Seminar on the Teaching of Psychological Science (BISTOPS).

This English language seminar is organized and led by Dr. Douglas A. Bernstein (University of South Florida, USA) in collaboration with La Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. It will take place on 1-5 July, 2024 in Paris at Maison Suger.

The seminar will accommodate about 25 participants who have experience in conducting and publishing research on teaching psychology and in successful grant-writing, as well as those who are developing ideas for such research, or have a strong interest in doing so.

The seminar is designed to give participants the opportunity to discuss existing research on the scholarship of teaching and learning in psychology, to exchange new research ideas, to create international research teams, and ultimately to generate empirical studies whose results will promote evidence-based recommendations for improving the teaching of psychological science on an international scale.

The seminar will begin with a poster session designed to familiarize the group with each participant’s past, present, and future research interests. Daily presentations by invited speakers will be followed by group discussion of the speakers’ topic, including brainstorming about research that still needs to be done on each day’s topic. The final day will feature brief presentations by selected participants on teaching-related topics (to be announced).

The main speakers at BISTOPS 2024 will include/

  • Dr. Susanne Narciss (Technische Universität, Dresden, Germany)
  • Dr. Susan Nolan (Seton Hall University, USA)
  • Dr. Christopher Ferguson (Stetson University, USA)
  • Drs. William O’Donohue and Jane E. Fisher (University of Nevada, Reno, USA)
  • Drs. Tony and Tanya Machin (University of South Queensland, Australia).

The speakers’ topics, abstracts, and biographical sketches are available at https://www.nitop.org/BISTOPS.org


Published at 28 September 2023