Closed project


Blended approaches to graphic acts
Revue polygraphe(s)
Revue polygraphe(s)

Polygraphe(s) is a review dedicated to graphic acts which came about from a desire to reflect upon together different diverse disciplines such as archeology, anthropology, education sciences, design, psychology, etc. on precise themes around a field of research with a powerful heuristic power: figured communication. Dedicated to a topic of study in social and human sciences, this review also aims to be a place of discussion between disciplines that are not used to dialoguing, a new space of interdisciplinary intellectual and transhistorical exchanges. Taking a material approach to these practices, which will be significant questions, intentions, forms, supports and gestures, putting back in the analytic process the context of their production.

Head of publication

Philippe Hameau, université Côte d'Azur


Laura Olber, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme

Graphic identity

Vincent Trouillard et Fanny Weiss

Redaction comity | Founders

Camille Bourdier, Francesca Cozzolino, Claudia Defrasne, Philippe Hameau, Delphine Leroy, Éric Robert

Scientific comity

Philippe Artières, Primitiva Bueno Ramirez, Hélène Campaignolle-Catel, Antonio Castillo-Gomez, Lucile Chanquoy, Pierre Déleage, Davide Fornari, Philippe Lejeune, Christine Sagnier



Directeur de la publication
Philippe Hameau, maître de conférences, université Côte d'Azur

Secrétaire de rédaction
Laura Olber, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme

Conception graphique
Vincent Trouillard et Fanny Weiss

Membres du comité de rédaction et fondateur·rice·s de la revue
Camille Bourdier, Francesca Cozzolino, Claudia Defrasne, Philippe Hameau, Delphine Leroy, Éric Robert

Membres du comité scientifique
Philippe Artières, Primitiva Bueno Ramirez, Hélène Campaignolle-Catel, Antonio Castillo-Gomez, Lucile Chanquoy, Pierre Déleage, Davide Fornari, Philippe Lejeune, Christine Sagnier


Revue polygraphe(s)

Itinérances, mobilités et migrations

Polygraphe(s) journal n°5 to be published in September 2023
Published at 22 November 2022