Philippe Buc

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: from September 1st to October 7th, 2019

Trained in France and the United States, BA in History (Swarthmore College); MA (Political Science, Medieval Japanese History, European Medieval History, U. of California, Berkeley); Master of Arts (Paris I); PhD in History (EHESS, Paris), Philippe Buc made the start of his career at Stanford University (1990-2011). Since 2011 he is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Vienna (Austria).

The project 

Title: Civil wars in the medieval West and in medieval Japan: Figures of the traitor and fates of the dead

Keywords: Biblical Exegesis / Power and Religion / Religion and Armed Violence / History and Anthropology / Comparative History

Selected publications

  • L'ambiguïté du Livre: Prince, pouvoir, et peuple dans les commentaires de la Bible au Moyen Age, avec une préface par Jacques Le Goff (Collection Théologie historique 95; Paris: Beauchesne, 1994).
  • The Dangers of Ritual. Between Early Medieval Texts and Social Scientific Theory (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001); trad. française Dangereux ritual (Paris, Presses Universitaires de France: 2003;  traduction polonaise (Varsovie, 2011) (avec une  postface spécifique).
  • Holy War, Martyrdom, and Terror: Christianity, Violence, and the West  (Philadelphia: Pennsylvania University Press, 2015), trad. allemande Heiliger Krieg (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2015); trad française, La Guerre Sainte  (Paris: Gallimard, 2017), avec une postface en histoire comparée; trad. arabe  الحرب المقدسة، الاستشهاد والإرهاب   أشكال العنف المسيحية في الغرب (Alharb almuqaddassa, alistichhad wal irhab - Achkal alonf almassihiya fil gharb) for Harmoon Publishers (Markaz Harmoon lil-dirassat al mu'assira-Dar Maysaloon, Doha, 2019) avec une preface comparant islams et christianisme occidental dans leurs rapports à la violence armée.
  • Éditeur d´un dossier sur les “Cultures de la guerre” dans Questiones Medii Aevi Novae 21 (2016).
  • "Crusade and eschatology: Holy war fostered and inhibited", MIÖG 125 (2017), 304-339.
  • "Evangelical Fundamentalist fiction and medieval crusade epics", sous presse aux Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales et Humanistes 37 (2019).
  • “What is order? In the aftermath of the "feudal transformation" debates”,  Francia 46 (2019), 289-300.
  • “Religion and war, historically compared: the Japanese Far East and the European Far West in the longue durée of two Middle Ages”, à paraître, Atsushi Egawa, Benoît Grévin, Marc Smith, Megumi Tanabe, Hanno Wijsman, dirs., Les échanges culturels au Moyen-Âge: du dialogue à la construction des cultures.  Actes du colloque international tenu à Nara, Japon, les 18 et 19 novembre 2017 / Cultural Exchange in the Middle Ages. From Dialogue to the Construction of Cultures. Proceedings of the International Colloquium held at Nara, Japan, 18-19 November 2017 (Paris:  2019).
  • “Eschatologies of the sword, compared: Latin Christianity, Islam(s), and Japanese Buddhism”, sous presse,  Veronika Wieser & Vincent Eltschinger, dirs., Making Ends Meet: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the End of Times in Medieval Christianity, Islam and Buddhism (Berlin: 2019).
Published at 4 September 2019