Maxime Boidy

Associate researcher for the programme: The politics of images

Maxime Boidy is Doctor of Sociology at the University of Strasbourg. His thesis, presented in 2014, is on visual culture and political iconography of the black bloc. Notably he has co-translated, edited and prefaced several works by W.J.T. Mitchell, including Iconologie : image, texte, idéologie [Iconology: Image, Text and Ideology] (Les Prairies ordinaires, 2009) and Que veulent les images ? Une critique de la culture visuelle [What Do Pictures Want: A Critique of Visual Culture] (Les Presses du Réel, 2014). His current works relate to the intellectual history of visual knowledge and the aesthetics of political representation.

The politics of images

A place of study and discussion on the relations between images and politics
Published at 16 December 2016