Ellen Frances (Fran) Bennett

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: from  April 16 to July 15, 2018

Fran Bennett works half time in the Department of Social Policy & Intervention, University of Oxford, as a senior research and teaching fellow, with a focus on social policy, especially social security, gender issues, and poverty. She is also an independent consultant on social policy issues and one of the UK independent experts in the European Social Policy Network for the European Commission. She has worked for several NGOs and is an active member of the Women’s Budget Group.

The Project

Gender analysis of minimum income schemes: UK and France compared


Social policy, gender analysis, social security policy, within household distribution, poverty

Selected Bibliography

Millar, Jane and Bennett, Fran (2017) "Universal credit: assumptions, contradictions and virtual reality", Social Policy and Society 16: 2 169-182

Bradshaw, Jonathan and Bennett, Fran (2017) ESPN Thematic Report on Progress in the Implementation of the 2013 Recommendation on ‘Investing in Children: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage’, European Social Policy Network for European Commission: www.ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=18216&langId=en

Bennett, Fran (2015) "The impact of austerity on women", in L. Foster, A. Brunton, C. Deeming and T. Haux (eds.) In Defence of Welfare II. Social Policy Association: www.social-policy.org.uk/what-we-do/publications/in-defence-of-welfare-2/

Zipfel, T., Tunnard, J., Feeney, J., Flannagan, A., Gaffney, L., Postle, K., O’Grady, F., Young, S. and Bennett, Fran (2015) Our Lives: Challenging attitudes to poverty in 2015, Trades Union Congress: https://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/V9_final%20version.pdf

Bennett, Fran (2014) "The 'living wage', low pay and in work poverty: rethinking the relationships", Critical Social Policy 34: 1 46-65, doi: 10.1177/o261018313481564

Bennett, Fran and Sung, Sirin (2014) "Money matters: using qualitative research for policy influencing on gender and welfare reform", Innovation: the European Journal of Social Science Research 27: 1 5-19, doi: 10.1080/13511610.2013.787696

Bennett, Fran (2013) "Researching within household distribution: overview, developments, debates and methodological challenges", Journal of Marriage and Family 75: 3 582-597, doi: 10.1111/jomf.12020. URL: www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jomf.12020/abstract

Bennett, Fran and Sung, Sirin (2013) "Dimensions of financial autonomy in low/moderate-income couples from a gender perspective and implications for welfare reform", Journal of Social Policy 42: 4, 701-719

Bennett, Fran (2012) "Universal credit: overview and gender implications", in M. Kilkey, G. Ramia and K. Farnsworth eds. Social Policy Review 24: Analysis and debate in social policy 2012, Bristol: The Policy Press, 15-34

Lister, Ruth and Bennett, Fran (2010) "The new 'champion of progressive ideals'? Cameron's Conservative Party: poverty, family policy and welfare reform", Renewal 18: 1 84-109

Fran Bennett (2015) podcast interview with Sir Tony Atkinson about his book Inequality: What is to be Done?: http://podacademy.org/podcasts/inequality-what-can-be-done/

Bennett, Fran (2015). Poverty in the UK: the need for a gender perspective. Briefing paper for the Women's Budget Group, based on a working paper co-authored with Mary Daly: https://wbg.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Gender-and-Poverty-Briefing-June-2015.pdf

Bennett, Fran and Daly, Mary (2014) Poverty Through a Gender Lens: Evidence and policy review on gender and poverty. Working paper supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Download

Bennett, Fran (2015) The ‘living wage’, low pay and in work poverty: Exploring the difficult to resolve conceptual and pragmatic issues around the ‘living wage’. Blog post on LSE’s (London School of Economics and Political Science) Politics & Policy blog (based on article in Critical Social Policyhttp://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/the-living-wage-low-pay-and-in-work-poverty/

Bennett, Fran and Sutherland, Holly (2011) The importance of independent income: understanding the role of non-means-tested earnings replacement benefits.  ISER Working Paper Series 2011-09, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Essex: https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/files/iser_working_papers/2011-09.pdf

Published at 20 April 2018