Elena Dinubila

Laureate of the Atlas Programme  Stay in France: from September 26 to December 22,  2017

Elena Dinubila received the title of Doctor of Research in "Anthropology, Ethnology, Cultural Studies" at the University of Siena (2015) with a thesis on representations, conflict and labor practices in the Melfi plant (Southern Italy). It also conducted a survey on migratory routes and the integration of Italian gastarbeiders in the city of Utrecht (Netherlands, 2008/2009). She has collaborated on several occasions with the Italian trade union CGIL, for which she carried out a socio-economic study on the crisis of the camper industry in the Alta Val D'Elsa (Tuscany, 2010). Currently she is engaged in a new field research on industrial risks related to petrochemical production in the south of France.

Research Project

Factory and territory. Industrial risks and social restructuring in the Martigues-Lavéra area.


Cultural Anthropology, Economic Anthropology, Oral History, Industrial Relations, Economic Crisis, Risk and Social Vulnerability.

Recent Publications 

  • Transformations du travail ouvrier face à la crise du secteur automobile (en cours de publication chez Octarès Editions), 2017
  • Production, Development and Cultural Change at Fiat// Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations: Labour Markets, Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management, 2013
  • Quelli che rimangono: la vicenda migratoria dei gastarbeiders italiani nella città di Utrecht// Monographie publiée par le Comité des Italiens à l’Etranger COMITES, 2010
Published at 26 September 2017