Chiara Cappelletto

Associated researcher at the Politique des images programme

Chiara Cappelletto is Associate Professor of Aesthetics for the Philosophy Department at the Università degli Studi in Milan, as well as an Associate Member of the CRAL at the EHESS (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) in Paris. She leads or collaborates on several international projects concerning central questions relating to her field of research, namely the phenomenology of the living body, the notion of virtuality in visual and performance arts, neuroaesthetics and the role of fiction in relation to the reductionist approach of neurosciences applied to the arts. Among her publications: Neuroestetica. L’arte del cervello [Neuroaesthetics. The Art of the Brain], Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009 ; Il rito delle pulci. Wittgenstein morfologo [The Rite of the Fleas: Wittgenstein morphologist], Il Castoro, Milano 2004 (Prix Castiglioncello).

The politics of images

A place of study and discussion on the relations between images and politics
Published at 16 December 2016