Representing exile: the non-exilic subject


Exile is often presented as primarily a matter of a dramatic break or a definitive rupture. Based on a close reading of a short story by James Joyce, we argue for a re-evaluation of the theme of exile in literature where the emphasis is not on exotic but on proximate exile. Unlike Joyce, the eponymous heroine of ‘Eveline’ does not go into exile but how does she represent exile to herself, how does exile figure as a subject of reflexion and what does Eveline herself represent as a (non) exilic subject? The person who leaves experiences exile but the person who does not in the absence of the empirical experience of exile is under even greater pressure to try and produce a representation of exile drawing on the resources of the imagination and the fantasmatic. The paper will explore the role of the subject in the representation of exile from the standpoints of the material rootedness of the subject, the passage from genealogy to progeneration and exile as a translation zone.


Michael Cronin est titulaire de la Chaire de Traductologie à la Dublin City University, Irlande. Auteur, entre autres, de Translating Ireland: Translation, Languages and Identity (Cork University Press, 1996); Across the Lines: Travel, Language, Translation (Cork University Press, 2000); Translation and Globalization (Routledge, 2003); Translation and Identity (Routledge, 2006); Translation goes to the Movies (Routledge 2009); The Expanding World: Towards a Politics of Microspection (Zero Books, 2012); Translation in a Digital Age (Routledge, 2013). Co-directeur, entre autres, de Tourism in Ireland: A Critical Analysis (Cork University Press, 1993); Anthologie de nouvelles irlandaises (Québec, L’Instant même, 1997); Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies (St. Jerome Press, 1998); Reinventing Ireland: Culture, Society and the Global Economy (London, Pluto Press, 2002); The Languages of Ireland (Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2003); Transforming Ireland (Manchester University Press, 2009). Il est Membre de l’Académie Royale d’Irlande et Officier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques. Il est co-directeur de la revue The Irish Review, dirige la collection New Perspectives in Translation chez Routledge et fait partie de l’équipe de recherche FMSH « Non-lieux de l’exil ».

Le texte

Texte rédigé dans le cadre du programme Non lieux de l’exil/L'expérience de l'exil, présenté lors de la séance du 12 décembre 2013.

Published at 25 June 2014